International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design

June 2023 / 
Learning from Tunney F. Lee
Here is the new volume of ours ILAUD PRESS / 2. An Intellectual and Ethical Legacy
march 1, 2023 / 
Discontinuity in Contemporary City
It has been just release the first title of our publishing house ILAUD PRESS 1.
May 23, 2022 - 5:30 PM / 
Changing Cornigliano
Sette temi per una trasformazione urbana e sociale di quartiere
Here we are, new web site with a lot of information about ILAUD, Research & Project, Workshops and On Line Activities. We hope you have a lot of fun surfing with us
Where, why and how
Architecture, multiple and complex
2011-04-22 / 
Urban Recomposition of the Historic City
Reading and Design of the Territory 1
Reading and Design of the Territory 2

International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design


First Contact
