International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design

Workshops / 
Expected 2022
I4M The Cities’ Role against Educational Poverty
A scoping project that builds on on-going research activities in Genoa and Milan
ILAUD week in Dergano, Milan (July 2021). Photo credit: Giulio Verdini.
ILAUD week in Dergano, Milan (July 2021). Photo credit: Giulio Verdini.

This is a scoping project that build on the the on-going research activities in Cornigliano, Genoa, and on the past experience of the 2021 ILAUD Immersive Week in the Municipality of Dergano with the aim to study the role of ‘educating cities’ in fighting educational poverty especially among the youth. An international and interdisciplinary seminar is due to take place by the end of 2022, mobilizing partners from Italy but also experiences from different contexts such as Germany, the UK and USA.

Project Coordinator: Paolo Ceccarelli.

Paolo Ceccarelli

International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design


First Contact
