International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design

from June 29 to July 6, 2024 / 
ILAUD Interdisciplinary Workshop on Urban Conservation in Qingdao, China
The Design School at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is hosting an Interdisciplinary Design Workshop in Qingdao
december 2023 / 
Climate Adaptation and Cultural Resilience
ILAUD PRESS / 3: The Case of the Oasis of Figuig, Morocco, Scenarios of resilience and sustainability discussed by an interdisciplinary international group
June 2023 / 
Learning from Tunney F. Lee
Here is the new volume of ours ILAUD PRESS / 2. An Intellectual and Ethical Legacy
march 1, 2023 / 
Discontinuity in Contemporary City
It has been just release the first title of our publishing house ILAUD PRESS 1.
May 30 - June 4 2022 / 
Figuig: Oasis of the Future.
Results of a Climate Studio in Morocco.
GIulio Verdini
March 26-27, 2022 / 
I4M Resilient Rural-Urban Linkages
Figuig and the Oasis towns of Morocco: Towards a sustainable and resilient territorial development
March 7, 2022 / 
I4M Inclusive Urban Regeneration
Tavoli partecipativi: Changing Cornigliano
Termina il 17 ottobre 2021 / 
Un concorso per reinventare i luoghi e le comunità del futuro
Proloco Gavorrano
28th and 29th of september 2021 / 
Proposals from Universities from the whole world

Coordinators of the initiative Pilar Maria Guerrieri and Giulio Verdini
July 26 2021 / 
ILAUD contributed to DIALOGHI DELLE CATTEDRE UNESCO on Quality Education, Reduce Inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities
JULY, 19-23 2021 / 
ILAUD WEEK - Cities under Shocks & Stresses 2021
Dergano, Milano: Immersive experience in a Post-Pandemic Neighbourhood
april 23, 2021 - 2.30 pm / 
Understanding neighbourhoods in times of pandemic.
3LABs in London - Milan - Berlin. First Online meeting
JUNE 22 - JULY 13, 2020 / 
Summer School Program on Architecture - ILAUD & GREAT PLACE TO STUDY
ILAUD collaborated for a short Summer School Program on Architecture to a new initiative of Summer School Program by Great Place to Study
Pilar Maria Guerrieri
Expected in 2021 / 
Designing new resilient urban environments
april 7, 2020 / 
How to improve the facilities of a city without disrupt his identity
Delhi, Shahjahanabad
Ravi Shankar
At the end of September 2019, a seminar entitled "The movable frontier of architectural education" was held in Milan to define the future agenda of ILAUD concerning actions to be taken relative to new environmental, social and cultural situations in the world.
Paolo Ceccarelli
Nov. 11-15, 2019 / 
Discontinuity in Contemporary City
Shanghai: Evaluation of the historical elements in the sites of the regeneration project in the Putuo district to support the tentative design of a place for research
November, 2019 / 
Giancarlo De Carlo and ILAUD.
A movable frontier
edited by Paolo Ceccarelli
2011-04-22 / 
Urban Recomposition of the Historic City
The Harbour Mouth at the Venice Lido
Language of Architecture
Annual Report
Signs and Insights
The Ideal Future. New Territorial Challenges
Territory and Identity 1
Creative Towns Workshop. Nano-technologies for medicine
Culture and the city’s multiple identity
The workshop explored methods and strategies for the upgrading of Shahjahanabad that would not disrupt its nature and social structure
When new cities grow older
La scatola di Connie
Per ricordare Etra Occhialini (31 marzo 1951-3 luglio 2019)
Paolo Ceccarelli
The Edge of the Arsenal
Re-discovering silence
March 31 2021 / 
Proclamazione Premio di studio Etra "Connie" Occhialini. A.A. 2020/2021
Il 31 marzo 2021 si è tenuta in video conferenza la sessione di proclamazione della prima edizione del Premio di Studio patrocinato da ILAUD (International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design) e dal Dipartimento di Architettura, Università di Ferrara.
The decolonization and reconstruction of the African City. The case of District Six in Cape Town
ILAUD Online Activities - Youtube
ILAUD has a YouTube Channel - Stay Tuned
The Eastern Lagoon Front
Approaches on Reading Cities
Elective Workshop in Delhi
Pilar Maria Guerrieri, Paolo Ceccarelli, Surajit Sarkar
Unveiling urban memory. Re-designing the area of the “13 Hongs” of Canton
Reading and Design of the Territory 2
Nature and the city. The case of Buenos Aires
ILAUD e-Journal Series
We are ready to start an ILAUD e-journal series where all our researches will be easily accessible - Stay tuned!
May 23, 2022 - 5:30 PM / 
Changing Cornigliano
Sette temi per una trasformazione urbana e sociale di quartiere
Expected in 2021 / 
The role of the informal sector in formal urban systems
The workshop will entered on Merkato, the huge open-air market in the heart of the city
Clear Fresh Sweet Waters of Jericho
Reading and Design of the Territory 1
The Contemporary Town 1
1st Residential course
March 2021 / 
Etra "Connie" Occhialini award 2020/21: video winner
Lisboa's Terraços do carmo
Expected in 2021 / 
The impact of climate change on informal built environments
The workshop will address (with reference to the real situation of an area of the city) some of the most significant problems that will be originated by climate change, the consequences of large-scale urbanisation, significant technological innovations
Modern architecture and the city
The Contemporary Town 2
2nd Residential course
Scenarios for future sustainable rural development in Shuang Wan
December 9, 2021 / 
Towards Sustainable and Resilient Cities and Regions.
The Contemporary Town 3
Multiplicity of Language vs. Eclecticism
In Siena 1982, working on the historical and present fabric has opened a discussion on the contemporary language of architecture
Urbino through the looking glass
Architecture, multiple and complex
Reading and Design the Physical Environment 1
may 22 - july 12, 2019 / 
Giancarlo De Carlo and ILAUD.
An exibition
The milanese architects order have organized an exhibition full of original and unpublished materials, curated by Connie Occhialini
1983 / 
Breda Project
ILAUD worked on modern heritage
Expected 2022 / 
I4M The Cities’ Role against Educational Poverty
A scoping project that builds on on-going research activities in Genoa and Milan
Memories expectations & actions
The Insertion of contemporary architectural language in an urban environement structured in the past, Siena
Repobliamento de Centros Historicos
Reading and Designing the Physical Environment 2
2008 / 
Exhibition: La frontiera mobile. Il Laboratorio di Architettura  e Urbanistica dal 1976 a oggi
ILAUD has always been committed to plan and design exhibitions
Fondamenta Nuovissime
Designing the future of the system of rural villages around Tai lake in Suzhou
Where, why and how
Reading and Designing the Physical Environment 3
and re-use
2009 / 
Exhibition: Giancarlo De Carlo and the new ILAUD
This has been an exhibition that travelled the world
5/07/20 / 
MIT professor Tunney Lee, an architect, urban planner, and historian of Chinatown, dies at 88
Bryan Marquard
1980-1982 / 
A project for Genova
A real laboratory must know how to deal with the reality from which it draws its main lifeblood to be a research and training bench not only for the youngest
Re-Programming Dongshan Peninsula in Tai Lake. Policies and design solutions for preserving a cultural landscape
Here we are, new web site with a lot of information about ILAUD, Research & Project, Workshops and On Line Activities. We hope you have a lot of fun surfing with us
Reading and Design of the Territory 3
Ferrara of removed meanings. Nicolò’s “Addizione”
Scadenza del bando: 28/02/2021 / 
Premio di studio Etra "Connie" Occhialini. A.A. 2020/2021
Università degli studi di Ferrara

International Laboratory
of Architecture
& Urban Design


First Contact
